Friday, August 21, 2015

Antarctic Detector Firms Up Cosmic Neutrino Sighting

Researchers using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory have sorted through the billions of subatomic particles that zip through its frozen cubic-kilometer-sized detector each year to gather powerful new evidence in support of 2013 observations confirming the existence of cosmic neutrinos.

This photo illustration shows one of the highest-energy neutrino events of this study superimposed on a view of the IceCube Lab (ICL) at the South Pole. Evidence of the neutrinos heralds a new form of astronomy.

The evidence is important because it heralds a new form of astronomy using neutrinos, the nearly massless high-energy particles generated in nature’s accelerators: black holes, massive exploding stars and the energetic cores of galaxies. In the new study, the detection of 21 ultra high-energy muons — secondary particles created on the very rare occasions when neutrinos interact with other particles –provides independent confirmation of astrophysical neutrinos from our galaxy as well as cosmic neutrinos from sources outside the Milky Way.

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Monday, July 6, 2015

How This Loophole Allows Food Companies to Police Themselves

If you wouldn’t dream of buying a food product before reading the label, you are not alone. More people than ever want to know what’s in the food they are buying, ruling out products containing known food additives.

After reading several labels and being appalled at the amount of additives most foods contain, people want to know why this is being allowed. The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) has an answer, but it may not pass the test of common sense.

According to this investigative news organization, food companies have been able to pump thousands of non-food ingredients into their products because of a decades-old loophole which allows companies to police themselves.


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Monday, June 22, 2015

10 Plants That Naturally Repel Mosquitoes (Video)

One of the things that can ruin a nice summer day or evening are Mosquitoes.

The annoying buzzing around and awful bites that leave you with an itchy trail of discomfort.

In this article, we will discuss 10 plants you can grow that naturally repel Mosquitoes and can make your summertime fun more enjoyable.

As we know it is that time of year again – mosquito time!

Chances are, you have heard of many of the plants that naturally repel mosquitoes and many pests. And, best of all, they can be found at your local nursery.

 Using plants to deter pesky insects is an easy, safe and natural alternative to store-bought sprays and chemicals.

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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Natural Society Launches Organic Non-GMO Cookbook & Shopping Guide

The studies are in: it’s time to escape Monsanto’s GMOs and start giving your body the nutrients it really needs to thrive. One of the largest issues we currently face is finding meals that aren’t loaded with GMOs and toxic additives that actually taste good.

That’s why we decided to release my new e-book, “The Organic Non-GMO Cookbook & Shopping Guide,” now available for pre-order exclusively through the Natural Society Shop.

There’s absolutely zero reason that you shouldn’t be able to live a true disease-conquering organic lifestyle while also eating meals that actually taste… downright good.

In fact, to do so would be going against your goals – because we all know we won’t be very committed to ‘eating better’ if it tastes like old notepad paper mixed with a handful of lawn grass.

Trust me, I’ve read more cookbooks than most, especially in my initial research to create this book.

And I can tell you first-hand where most fail. In addition to oftentimes requiring you to purchase expensive kitchen gadgets, many cookbooks seem to assume you already have a degree in culinary arts.


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Going Beyond Organic Food For Optimal Health With Joel Salatin

Many people tend to feel that cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, chronic stress and environmental pollution can only be cured by the ‘experts.’ Of course, others think that eating organic food is the ‘only answer’. But, when we look at the big picture, to achieve optimal health – we’ll need to go beyond organic or the advice of professionals.

Learn about the ultimate solution for disease. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman offers an exclusive interview with Joel Salatin, a third generation beyond organic farmer talking about what matter most – our health. You will be thrilled to hear this inspirational – solution oriented – message.

Action steps: To achieve optimal health

If you’re suffering with any chronic disease condition – this article can’t cure you, but hopefully these tips can move you in the right direction. Sadly, conventional medicine tends to overlook the best solutions – such as:


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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Origins Of Red Sea's Mysterious 'Cannon Earthquakes' Revealed In New Study

For many generations, Bedouin people living in the Abu Dabbab area on the Egyptian Red Sea coast have heard distinct noises–like the rumbling of a quarry blast or cannon shot–accompanying small earthquakes in the region. Now, a new study published in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America offers an explanation for this uniquely noisy seismic event.

Seismic activity in the area of the Egyptian seaside resort Abu Dabbab may be caused by an active fault that lays below a 10-kilometer thick block of old, now rigid igneous rock. The surface of the block slides along the active parts of the fault, lubricated by fluids from the Red Sea that have penetrated the crust, according to Sami El Khrepy of King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and colleagues.

The researchers think this large and rigid block of igneous crust acts as a sort of broadcaster, allowing the full sounds of seismic movement to rise through the rock with little weakening of the acoustic signal. The high-frequency sounds of earthquakes can then be heard by humans at the surface.

Earlier studies had suggested that the Abu Dabbab earthquakes were caused by magma rising through the crust, but the new report “found that a volcanic origin of the seismicity is unlikely, and the area is not expected to be subjected to volcanic hazard,” said El Khrepy.


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Big Dinosaurs Steered Clear Of The Tropics; Climate Swings Lasting Millions Of Years Too Much For Thunder Lizards

For more than 30 million years after dinosaurs first appeared, they remained inexplicably rare near the equator, where only a few small-bodied meat-eating dinosaurs made a living.

The long absence at low latitudes has been one of the great, unanswered questions about the rise of the dinosaurs.

Some 212 million years ago, landscapes weren’t all dinosaur-friendly: dry, hot, with wildfires.

Now the mystery has a solution, according to scientists who pieced together a detailed picture of the climate and ecology more than 200 million years ago at Ghost Ranch in northern New Mexico, a site rich with fossils.

The findings, reported today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), show that the tropical climate swung wildly with extremes of drought and intense heat.

Wildfires swept the landscape during arid regimes and reshaped the vegetation available for plant-eating animals.


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Why People in these 5 Countries Live Longer

Did you know that there are certain parts of the world where individuals have been found to live particularly long lives? These areas are called “blue zones,” and they may contain more than just people that practice active, healthy lifestyles.

“Have you heard of ‘Blue Zones’? They are regions of the world — five of them, to be exact — where people live abnormally long.

First identified by Dan Buettner through his work with National Geographic, they include Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Loma Linda, California; Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; and Ikaria, Greece.”

There is no question that diet plays the biggest part in determining not only longevity, but also the quality of life, especially during the later years.

A study has been published which clearly identifies the common dietary habits of some of the healthiest communities in the world.

Five of those have been listed above and each one reflects a similar pattern of diet.


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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Chart: How to Avoid Cancer-Causing BPA at the Grocery Store

We all really want to avoid the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA), but it can be difficult to navigate the grocery store aisles without accidentally putting a brand that still uses BPA in your cart. To help with this, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released a new report analyzing which brands continue to line their cans with BPA.

Some of the brands are surprising; some not so much. However, the number of brands using BPA is shocking. According to the EWG:

“78 brands, or 31 percent, used BPA-lined cans for all products. About 46 percent of the brands in this group did not say whether they were working with can suppliers or packaging manufacturers to shift to BPA-free cans or to test substitutes.


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Stop Getting Sick: 4 Ways to Boost Your Gut Health

The studies are clear: your gut health is at the epicenter of your body’s total immunity. Without balancing your ‘microbiome’ of good and bad bacteria, you’re opening yourself up to a large variety of diseases. This includes mental illness, which scientists are now admitting is directly linked up to the health of your ‘second brain’ — your gut! I told you about this in 2011, but of course I was called crazy.

Now, in 2015, everyone is asking how to optimize their gut health. In an excerpt below from my first book The New Health Paradigm (which is now 100% free online), I outline some of these steps. Here are 4 ways to boost your gut health for better immunity:

1. Eliminate or Severely Limit Sugar Consumption

Inflammation is the most common cause of poor digestion and overall gut health. Sugar is a leading cause of inflammation, with the average American consuming 100 grams of sugar each day in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. You may remember that 50 percent of high fructose corn syrup has also been found to contain toxic mercury, which will wreak havoc on your body.


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Farmers Are Starting to Ditch GMO Soy Beans

If a Roundup Ready variety of soybeans might cost $65 to $70 a bag, and conventional, non-GMO varieties are $30 to $35 a bag, you would think farmers would be eschewing GMO beans. An agronomist with the Division of Agriculture at the University of Arkansas is planting nine non-GM soybeans on his test plots, four developed by the University. Here’s why. . .

U of A has been expanding its research into non-GMO soybean varieties because the cost to produce GM soybeans is rising, and the price a farmer can fetch for them once he harvests is falling.

Meanwhile, GM commodity prices are increasingly taking a beating as consumers in the US and other countries refuse to eat genetically modified food.

Agronomist Jeremy Ross began his trials last year. He planted the four soybean varieties developed by U of A along with two publicly-developed varieties, one from Virginia Tech and another from the University of Tennessee.


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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Calcium: The Most Abundant Mineral In The Human Body 

Calcium is not only the most abundant mineral in the body, it is also the most commonly found in the material universe. 

Yes, it is that ubiquitous and therefore it can be found in good measure in various food groups.

The real challenge with maintaining sufficient calcium levels lies in proper absorption, uptake, and assimilation. This is where some sources of dietary calcium are far superior to others.

There are little magic formulations of “Calcium and Company” all throughout the plant kingdom. The very best of these have naturally optimized the vital proportions in a mix of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and boron.

In so doing, Mother Nature has not only ensured an efficacious and bio available form of calcium for the human body, it also comes with an efficient (and quite natural) delivery system.


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Friday, May 29, 2015

Device Helps Visually-Impaired Grocery Shop 

Most of us see going to the grocery store as a mundane chore that has to be done if we want to put dinner on the table.

However, for those of us that are visually-impaired – a trip to the supermarket can be a painstaking ordeal.

Now, engineers at Penn State are working on a system called Third Eye that uses technology to enable visually-impaired individuals at the store.

“You always have to find someone at the store to help you,” Michelle McManus, president of the Happy Valley chapter of the National Federation of the Blind, said in a Penn State press release.

“Then you have to explain exactly what you want,” and rely on someone else to get it for you.

In order to develop their shopping-oriented visual system, the researchers started with what they called a “Wizard of Oz” prototype. The prototype involved a subject wearing a chest-mounted iPad that used the tablet’s camera to send images of items to a nearby control room.

Based on these images, the control room “Wizard” would give verbal instructions to the subject.

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Archaeologists Piece Together Fragments From Anglo-Saxon Gold Hoard Revealing Stunning Relics 

Researchers in England have pieced together about 1,500 metal fragments, including gold and silver, to reconstruct a 7th century AD helmet and a sword pommel from the Staffordshire Hoard.

The artifacts, part of a cache of 4,000 items in the hoard, are on display in Birmingham's Museum and Art Gallery. The items comprise the largest Anglo-Saxon hoard of gold, silver, other metal and garnet ever found.

Conservators pieced together the sword pommel (pictured above), which is decorated with gold filigree, from 26 fragments. They reconstructed the dismantled helmet from about 1,500 fragile silver pieces.

Some of the silver pieces were just 10 mm across, and conservators took a long time to reassemble the helmet along corrosion lines or deliberate cut lines.

The hoard was found in a field in Burntwood, Staffordshire, in 2009 and is worth an estimated £3.2 million (about $5 million). The hoard has been declared a national treasure and therefore belongs to the British Monarchy.


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Bird Flu Outbreak: Are Backyard Chickens Safe? 

The nationwide bird flu epidemic has caused the culling of approximately 40 million chickens and turkeys and affected at least 10 percent of the country’s egg supply, although its impact thus far seems mostly to be limited to large industrial farms.

The seemingly unstoppable H5N2 avian flu outbreak has already caused a spike in grocery store prices, leaving agricultural experts to predict an egg shortage and empty coolers where poultry should have been.

The virus has now been confirmed on farms in 16 states and in Canada as well – but the figures are still growing.

“I can’t tell you how many farmers this is affecting,” Oscar Garrison, director of food safety for United Egg Producers, which represents the ownership of 95 percent of egg-laying hens, told The Washington Post. “It’s been absolutely devastating. Just abysmal.”


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Monsanto’s Biggest Fears Are Coming True 

One of America’s most popular and fastest growing “fast-casual” chains, Chipotle Mexican Grill (NYSE: CMG), has decided to stop using any GMO ingredients – and it’s but the latest blow to biotech giants such as Monsanto.

The restaurant chain sent out a press release noting that all the ingredients served at its taco and burrito restaurants and its subsidiary, ShopHouse Southeast Asian Kitchen, are now non-GMO.

The move makes Chipotle the first major national restaurant chain in the US to eliminate GMOs.

GMOs are genetically modified crops that have had DNA introduced that didn’t occur naturally,

“There is a lot of debate about genetically modified foods,” Chipotle founder and co-CEO Steve Ell said. “Though many countries have already restricted or banned the use of GMO crops, it’s clear that a lot of research is still needed before we can truly understand all of the implications of widespread GMO cultivation and consumption. While that debate continues, we decided to move to non-GMO ingredients.”


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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Why You Should Use Aluminum-Free Deodorant

There come times in our lives when we need added protection against body odor. Whether we’re at the gym or in an important meeting, it’s very likely that, without some type of deodorant, we’ll sweat and let out a little odor.

Not a pleasant topic, but it can’t be ignored. Choosing the right deodorant is just as important as wearing it regularly, not just because you need to find one that will provide lasting protection, but because you also require one that will protect your health.

Difference Between Antiperspirant and Deodorant

While most people use the terms antiperspirant and deodorant interchangeably, the two are not the same. Antiperspirants work by preventing perspiration from occurring. Deodorants, on the flip side, actually allow perspiration but block odor. The main goal of deodorants is to kill the bacteria that causes odor when we perspire.

From a purely natural standpoint, it makes more sense for us to use deodorants, as it is clearly a more natural process. Seeing as our body sweats as a way to cool ourselves, eliminating perspiration is just an unnatural concept.


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10 Ways to Stop the Food Waste 

Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, and other biotech bullies are still telling the world they are trying to feed us with their GM foods, but I think most of us are on to their shady tactics.

I will venture that in order to feed a growing population, one thing we need to start doing is stop wasting so much food.

Americans Waste so Much Food!

In making food, we also waste 25% of our fresh water, and don’t get me started on all the plastic packaging we create to ship and store this food that is full of hormone-disrupting chemicals like bisphenol-a (BPA).

When you realize that most Americans don’t think its their house causing the food waste problem, consider this:


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New Study: 80% Of Consumers Would Pay More For Non-GMO Foods 

Want more proof that Monsanto’s demise is imminent? In a recently published Nielsen study of 30,000 consumers, 80 percent of respondents said they would pay more for foods labeled “Non-GMO.”

Do we really need more proof that people are turning their backs on biotech-altered poison crops?

This doesn’t mean that people actually trust the ‘Non-GMO’ food label, and unless it has been verified, they shouldn’t. Even brands like Cherrios have stated that their product doesn’t contain GMO, but how can we be certain? Furthermore, foods like Xochitl tortilla chips were marketed as GMO-free, but were found to contain GM corn through an investigation by Consumer Reports.

Even though 61 percent of food buyers said they thought it was ‘very’ or ‘moderately’ important to purchase foods with a non-GMO label, exceeded only perhaps by the importance of avoiding foods with high-fructose corn syrup, most of them reported not knowing which labels to trust since there are multiple ways that companies claim non-GMO status on their food packaging.


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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Frozen In Time: Casts Of Pompeii Reveal Last Moments Of Volcano Victims 

The plaster casts of 86 agonized victims of the Mount Vesuvius eruption in 79 AD will go on exhibit May 26, 2015, in National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy.

People of Pompeii, a Roman city, were in their death throes when a cloud of gas from the volcano enveloped them, killing them. The gas was 300 degrees centigrade (572 degrees F). Clearly, from the expressions of their faces and their bodily contortions they were caught by surprise when the ash cloud finally consumed them.

An article on states:

Teeth protrude from lips stretched from pain. Smoldering, encrusted skin, protruding skulls and bones, exposed jaws were all caught in the moment of death, when a glowing, 300C cloud seared surfaces of the bodies in a single stroke, leaving their insides soft, and burying them under ash and stones. Among them is the family of the House of the Golden Bracelet: a woman with a baby on her lap. Near her is a man and another child, perhaps two years old.


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Research Says: Pesticide Spraying May Spread Food Borne Illnesses 

 You’re careful about food preparation and storage; plus you always cook meats at safe temperatures.

But, if you’re not eating organic produce, you might still be at risk for food borne illnesses and this news may be quite surprising to many people.

While most cases of food borne illnesses such as salmonella come from animal products (poultry is still the number one cause of food poisoning deaths), a new video from points out that 46 percent of food poisoning cases come from the fruits and vegetables we eat.

And, while many noroviruses are transmitted from person to person through bodily fluids, a great number of cases had been unexplained. It’s recently been determined that an alarming number of people are contracting food borne illnesses from eating produce.

Check out this short video below:

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Google’s Plan To Eliminate Human Driving In 5 Years 

Google’s adorable self-driving car prototype hits the road this summer, the tech giant announced last week. Real roads, in the real world. The car has no steering wheel or pedals, so it’s up to the computer to do all the driving.

As cool as this sounds, it isn’t a huge technological step forward. The goofy little cars use the same software controlling the Lexus and Toyota vehicles that have logged hundreds of thousands of autonomous miles, and Google’s spent the past year testing its prototypes on test tracks.

And, in keeping with California law, there will be a human aboard, ready to take over (with a removable steering wheel, accelerator pedal, and brake pedal) if the something goes haywire.

What’s important here is Google’s commitment to its all-or-nothing approach, which contrasts with the steady-as-she-goes approach favored by automakers like Mercedes, Audi and Nissan.


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Licorice Shown To Kill SARS And Other Lethal Viruses 

Licorice has a rich and ancient history of use as a medicine, being rooted in Indian, Chinese, Greek and Egyptian traditions, alike. Technically a legume, related to beans and peas, its sweetness results from the presence of glycyrrhizin, a compound 30-50 times sweeter than sugar.

This compound is what gave licorice its name, which derives from the Greek word γλυκύρριζα (glukurrhiza), meaning “sweet” (gluku)  “root” (rrhiza). But glycyrrhizin’s properties don’t end with its sweetness; it is also one of the most powerful antiviral compounds ever studied.

A study on glycyrrhizin’s inhibitory activity against SARS-associated coronovirus published in Lancet in June of 2003, received little mainstream media coverage, despite its profound importance to human health.

Mind you, only a few months before this the World Health Organization issued a press release (April 16, 2003) stating the recent outbreak of lethal Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Asia was caused by the same coronoviruses used in this study.

 With the world still reeling from global SARS hysteria and “preparedness,” i.e. stockpiling pharmaceuticals like Ribavirin despite their well-known lack of effectiveness, you would think more attention would have been paid to promising research of this kind…


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Conventional Food Is Sprayed With Monsanto’s Carcinogenic Chemicals Just 3 Days Before Harvest 

How long should it take for a carcinogenic chemical to dissipate, water-down, or disappear before you consume the food it is sprayed on?

There is no definitive scientific test proving that Monsanto’s Roundup chemicals break down after being sprayed on your food. Dr. Stepahnie Seneff summarizes the two key problems caused by glyphosate in the diet in this way:

Nutritional deficiencies

Systemic toxicity

According to a ‘pre-harvest guide’ Monsanto’s Roundup should be sprayed on food just three days before harvesting. The Monsanto document states:


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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Interesting Facts About Memorial Day 

Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday in the month of May. This holiday is meant to pay tribute to American Soldiers who have lost their lives in service. It is also a huge day for travel. Around 36 million people take to the roads on this day.

Facts About Memorial Day

The first Memorial Day was celebrated on May 30, 1868 and was originally   called “Decoration Day”. The holiday was not called “Memorial Day” until 1967 when federal law declared that “Memorial Day” was the official name of it.

 This holiday originated as a way to honor Union soldiers that lost their lives when they were fighting in the Civil War. Because the southern states chose not to observe this holiday until after World War I was over, it was expanded to include soldiers who lost their life during any war.

 The red poppy is the official symbol of the holiday and many veterans are seen wearing one on Memorial Day. The inspiration for the poppy to represent fallen veterans came from John McCrae’s poem, “In Flanders Fields”.


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VA Police Tase, Mace Unresponsive Motorist During Medical Emergency 

Body-cam footage has emerged showing a Virginia police officer deploying a Taser and pepper spray on an unresponsive man having a medical emergency, accused of wrecking his vehicle earlier this month.

Police say 34-year-old David Washington was driving a silver Hyundai on Jefferson Davis Highway in Fredericksburg, where he ran over the median and struck a Jeep on May 4.

The Hyundai stopped at the intersection of Cowan Boulevard and Powhatan Street, police say, where the driver of the Jeep and a witness remained on scene until Fredericksburg police arrived.

The body-cam footage shows responding officers Corporal Matt Deschenes and Sergeant Crystal Hill hold Washington at gunpoint and order him to exit the vehicle.

Washington is unresponsive.

Moments later, Officer Shaun Jurgens arrives on the scene and deploys his taser on a still unresponsive Washington. One of the Taser prongs however, did not hit the man, police say, making it ineffective.


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New DEA Chief Claims He Will Not Focus On Marijuana 

While the domestic War on Drugs has been supported for nearly four decades by Michele Leonhart, it appears as though some of her misguided policies, mostly those rooted in Reagan’s anti-reefer regime, may finally come crashing down with the recent appointment of the new leader of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Earlier last week, the Justice Department announced that Chuck Rosenberg, who served as chief of staff to the director of the FBI, would be stepping in to replace Leonhart as the administrator of the DEA. Attorney General Loretta Lynch called Rosenberg an “exceptional leader” with “unshakable integrity” in a statement regarding his appointment, yet proponents of pot reform have been left wondering whether the change will be for better or worse.

Although there was speculation that the person ultimately charged with protecting the integrity of the Controlled Substances Act would not deter from the agencies ancient handbook of shakedowns and other underhanded tactics aimed at locking away the average citizen with a love for the leaf, a recent report from the Los Angeles Times indicates that Rosenberg will not place a heavy emphasis on indiscretions associated with marijuana.


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Feds And Cops Busted As Hacker Dump Exposes Ties To Adult-Dating Site 

The men behind the screen names “Eaglesfan_6969” and “Verywilling2011” are looking for sex, and they’re doing it from government-provided email accounts, according to data pilfered from a hacked dating website.

A trove of personal information pertaining to paid account holders of AdultFriendFinder, a website that touts itself as letting users “Find a f*** buddy for online sex,” has surfaced, and its contents suggest employees of local and federal agencies, including law enforcement, the Navy and the Federal Aviation Administration have used their government-provided email addresses to search for partners.

UK’s Channel 4 News confirmed first this week that the website had been hacked and that the information of approximately 3.9 million users had been leaked, including online handles, email addresses and sexual preferences of account holders. Now as that data is perused, new details are emerging that raise questions about what government workers are doing with their official accounts.


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Senator Explodes When Questioned About His Vaccine Bill 

By now, vaccine skeptics are generally familiar with the faces of Congressmen who are attempting to take away their natural rights to determine whether or not they and their children are vaccinated. Congressional parasites like Dianne Fienstein, as well as Presidential hopefuls like Hillary Clinton, and Ben Carson are now regular appearances in the “remove parents’ rights” theater.

But how many people are familiar with the faces of the state level sycophants that are attempting to eliminate basic human rights? After all, there have been a number of state level attacks against parents and children in recent months. What about the State Senators and Representatives who have accepted money from Big Pharma at the expense of their constituents or are simply trendy fanatics by nature?

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you NC State Senator Jeff Tarte:

As if his last name did not accurately describe his disposition, Senator Tarte was one of the main sponsors of the NC bill SB 346, a bill that would have eliminated the “religious exemption” clause in the recommended vaccine schedule for children entering NC public schools. He was also a main contender for the title of worst public relations interaction with a constituent in the state of North Carolina in the last several years.

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Is The Sun Really The Cause Of Skin Cancer? 

Every Spring there is a barrage of articles regarding the risk of skin cancer being caused by too much exposure to the sun. The same articles also sing the praises of sunscreen as a deterrent while offering no evidence whatsoever. But is the sun really the primary culprit? What’s really going on here?

“Have you ever looked at the nasty toxic ingredients inside most sunscreens? The irony is that we are using a toxic skin product to protect our skin that is cancerous because of toxicity. Organic alternatives exist that are much healthier.

Skin cancer is an inside job primarily, not an outside job (protection from the sun). The whole system/body supports cancer, not just the skin. When we look deeper and we ask if we have good health practices and good emotional health, what is the honest answer?”

The key point here is that cancer is really an “inside job.” Another key point is that the constitutional health of the “whole body” supports the cancer. Thirdly, that there is frequently an “emotional” component to cancer.


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Senate Kills Bill On NSA Domestic Surveillance Reform 

The USA Freedom Act has failed in the Senate, stalling an effort to reform certain federal surveillance programs before an end-of-the-month deadline ends the government’s ability to collect the phone records of Americans.

During a Senate vote on Friday, the bill was rejected by a vote of 57-42. It had previously been passed in the House of Representatives with overwhelming success.

Had lawmakers approved the Freedom Act, the bulk collection of Americans’ telephone records, as conducted by the government under a controversial interpretation of Section 215 of the Patriot Act, would have been limited by new restrictions.

Absent a resolution, however, the government’s authority to collect call records expires at the end of the month, calling into question the future of federal counterterrorism and national security operations.


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Friday, May 22, 2015

Exxon Mobil Explosion? Complete. Media. Black Out 

With the exception of a few mentions in the mainstream press when the incident originally occurred, Exxon is getting away with murder concerning their most recent snafu. I’m talking about the huge explosion at a gasoline refinery in Torrance, California that rained toxic ash on playgrounds and homes. Exxon assured their employees, and local citizens that “all was well,” though.

So what did happen at the Exxon plant, and why hasn’t it been talked about more since its occurrence? Employees who were present said there was a huge sonic boom, a fire, and loads of ash raining down on them.

Furthermore, a structure at the refinery was visibly damaged, with smoke smoldering from twisted metal, and with the air near the blast site smelling of sulfur and chemicals.

Is Exxon trying to hide the true toxic fall-out from Torrance residents? Inspectors were supposed to take air samples “as quickly as possible,” but no follow up reports have been released since the incident happened in February.


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Thursday, May 21, 2015

How Is This Entrepreneur Mom Legally Selling Strain Of Medical Marijuana? 

Somewhere in an unknown South Carolina location, Janel Ralph is preparing a new company called Palmetto Synergistic Research, specializing in CBD (cannabidiol) oil from cannabis.

 She optimistically anticipates full scale production and sales in 6 months. Her CBD oil contains 2,000 milligrams of CBD (20mg per ml).

She calls her 100% organic supplement that uses the premium part of the Cannabis Sativa L plant an essential oil. This mom is truly forging the way in South Carolina.

The Carolinas have the door mostly shut on medical marijuana and its decriminalization. However, South Carolina does have some vague allowances for hemp production and from it, CBD oil with .3% or less of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

THC is heavily studied in its own right for its medicinal benefits, however it remains vastly illegal due to its psychoactive quality.

Non-pyschoactive CBD oil maintains the remedial cannabidiol benefits, which makes it ideal to use with children. Janel used CBD oil for her daughter Harmony’s seizures. When she kept running out of options to find it (most parents go to the black market), and her daughter regressed without it, she became determined to legally become a producer.

There are also companies selling fake or low quality options as she would discover.


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3.3 Million Year Old Tools Oldest Yet Found 

The discovery is the first evidence that an even earlier group of proto-humans may have had the thinking abilities needed to figure out how to make sharp-edged tools.

The stone tools mark “a new beginning to the known archaeological record,” say the authors of a new paper about the discovery, published today in the leading scientific journal Nature.

The finds were made in the desert badlands near Lake Turkana, Kenya.

 Many other important discoveries of fossils and artifacts have been made nearby.

“The whole site’s surprising, it just rewrites the book on a lot of things that we thought were true,” said geologist Chris Lepre of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and Rutgers University, a co-author of the paper who precisely dated the artifacts.

The tools “shed light on an unexpected and previously unknown period of hominin behavior and can tell us a lot about cognitive development in our ancestors that we can’t understand from fossils alone,” said lead author Sonia Harmand, of the Turkana Basin Institute at Stony Brook University and the Universite? Paris Ouest Nanterre.


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The Current State Of Medical Marijuana 

Up until a couple of years ago, the future of medical marijuana research has always been dubious. Luckily, marijuana is now a multi-billion dollar industry. Obviously, where there’s enough money to go around, surely there has to be enough money to conduct medical marijuana research as well.

With that in mind, it is very important to emphasize where this crazy industry is heading and for what reason. Sure, we hear bits and pieces of various medical marijuana achievements in the news but we rarely get a full picture of what is really going on in the world of medical cannabis.

We are about to change that and offer you a glimpse in the future of cannabis research.

HIV, Alzheimer’s and Asthma

Several research studies were conducted on HIV patients who tend to smoke marijuana. The studies reported that HIV patients eat better after smoking marijuana.


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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Why Mollusk Shell Designs Are Genius 

Despite all of our engineering technology, sometimes you just got to hand it to nature to develop the best structural designs.

In a new study published by the journal Science Advances, researchers found that some mollusks have evolved shells specially designed to handle extreme pressures found at the bottom of the sea.

To reach their conclusion, study researchers developed computer models and printed 3-D variants of two kinds of shells to run stress tests next to real shells gathered from beaches in India. The shells were from either from bivalves with a hinged exoskeleton or terebridae that live in screw-shaped shells.

The study team reported the shells both protect the squishy creatures inside them and redirect pressure away from where the creatures are least likely to be located within them.

“Nature keeps on making things that look beautiful, but we don’t really pay attention to why the shapes are what they are,” said study author Chandra Sekhar Tiwary, a materials scientist currently at Rice University, in a press release.


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Earth Is Now In A Seismically-Active Period According To Earthquake Cluster Theory, Say Scientists 

Following the second major earthquake that hit Nepal on 12 May, some scientists believe we could be seeing a seismically active period that began in 2004 and could end around 2019.

However, predicting the quakes more accurately in time and space still remains a task for the future. The magnitude 9.1 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 26 December 2004, was one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded, triggering a tsunami that killed over 200,000 people. Experts like Sun Shihong, research fellow at the China Earthquake Networks Centre have in the past spoken of a 100-year cycle for earthquakes.

In the first 60 years of the 20th century there were seven earthquakes above 8.5 on the Richter scale. In the following 40 years there were no major quakes. Sun believes a new cycle began at the end of 2004 with a massive 9.1 magnitude quake in Indonesia.

More recently, Zhang Zhang Xiaodong, deputy director of an earthquake forecast research institute under the China Earthquake Administration told Xinhua that since 2004, the world has suffered a frequency of quakes above 8 magnitude not seen since the first half of the 20th century.


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Emotional Patterns Behind Skin Cancer 

Can The Mind Create Cancer?

What drives someone emotionally/internally to get such excessive amounts of tanning or sun exposure that leads to skin cancer? The woman in our article points to excess amount of tanning and sun exposure and to avoiding them and using sunscreen as the answer and warning us about it. As mentioned in the last article the sun is most likely not the real reason most people get skin cancer.

Our physical lifestyles in the USA are abysmal and set up optimal conditions for cancer in the body.

But our emotional world is proving to be even more powerful than the physical world in our lives.

The most cutting edge medicine in the world today is pointing towards the mind as being infinitely times more powerful at creating disease than most physical factors. When we look within emotionally and to what is inside our consciousness (emotions, thoughts and belief systems) we often see clearly the patterns that have literally created cancer inside of us.

This is not meant to blame or shame people at all, but instead to look at the internally reality that creates our outside world. The body simply projects on the outside of us physically what we are holding onto within our consciousness/mind.


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5 Surprising Ways To Use Recycled ‘Garbage’ For A Better Organic Garden 

Growing your own organic food is extremely gratifying, but adding recycling to the mix is like winning the lottery two days in a row. When you mix the self-sustaining practice of growing your own food with the environmentally supporting habit of recycling, you are helping the world two-fold, and you get some tasty offerings in the process.

Here are 5 ways to incorporate recycling into your gardening habit:

1. If you don’t use a clothesline – don’t throw away the lint from your dryer, either. Save the lint in an air-tight container and till it into your garden to help the soil retain moisture.

 2. Recycle the fine print. After you read the newspaper, or junk mail printed on newspaper, shred it and put it in your compost bin.

3. Re–use fruit and vegetable kitchen scraps. Though you can just throw your kitchen scraps straight into the compost pile, you can also put them through a food processor, and use them around tomatoes, peppers, egg plants, pumpkins and more to feed growing plants. Peppers really love this trick, and you can expect bumper crops for feeding your plants so well.


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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Cannabis: A Journey Through The Ages 

In 1997, a hemp rope dating back to 26,900 BC was found in Czechoslovakia, making it the oldest known object to be associated with cannabis.

Since that time, hemp has played an important role in humanity’s development.

For thousands of years marijuana was not only legal, but an important crop among cultures throughout history, and held commercial, medicinal, and spiritual value.


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Mass Death Of Seabirds In Western U.S. Is ‘Unprecedented’ – Unexplained Changes Within Ocean To Blame 

In the storm debris littering a Washington State shoreline, Bonnie Wood saw something grisly: the mangled bodies of dozens of scraggly young seabirds.

 In the storm debris littering a Washington State shoreline, Bonnie Wood saw something grisly: the mangled bodies of dozens of scraggly young seabirds. Walking half a mile along the beach at Twin Harbors State Park on Wednesday, Wood spotted more than 130 carcasses of juvenile Cassin’s auklets—the blue-footed, palm-size victims of what is becoming one of the largest mass die-offs of seabirds ever recorded.

“It was so distressing,” recalled Wood, a volunteer who patrols Pacific Northwest beaches looking for dead or stranded birds. “They were just everywhere. Every ten yards we’d find another ten bodies of these sweet little things.”


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City Takes Family’s Two Mini Dairy Goats; Pay Thousands In Fines Or Same To Rewrite Code 

Why is there such a concerted and simultaneous effort across the states to keep you from practicing healthy self reliance while not disturbing anyone?

The Agenda 21 lovin’ code enforcers are at it again, stoking situations and aggression where there were none – and that is what is most disturbing to peace.

A Visalia, California family was initially threatened $1,000 in fines per day for having two miniature dairy goats in their ample-spaced, fenced back yard. A mom decided to have them because she physically cannot breastfeed, and Visalia in the San Joaquin Valley prides itself on being “green” and tolerant of natural lifestyles. Apparently the city wants her to choose between GMO soy formula, paying fines in punishment OR paying over $3,500 and working to rewrite the code. In the meantime – how does she get her Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats back?


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7 Insane Realities About Water Pollution 

Water is our most basic necessity and most precious resource.

Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most abused. Pollution of all sorts, at all levels, has long been a problem and there are a lot of sneaky things about water pollution you might’ve never realized. It’s only when we realize the truth about water pollution that we can curb it. These 7 truly insane realities about water pollution will shock you.

1. Industrial Pollution is Turning Water into Jelly

Remember that classic Saturday Night Live skit about Swill drinking water? Well, what was originally meant to be tongue-in-cheek might not be too far off. A recent study in Canada noted that decades of industrial pollution is leeching calcium deposits from lake soil and replacing it with acid. This acidic environment, along with reduced oxygen levels driven by climate change has caused native plankton to die and Holopedium, a jelly-like species of plankton that doesn’t require as much calcium, has moved in and literally made the water appear gooey. It’s very possible this invasion will affect drinking water reserves.


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Turtle Receives 3D Printed Jaw That Allows It To Eat On Its Own Again 

 A turtle recently received a new 3D printed jaw that will allow it to eat on its own again – just one example of how this new technology will change life as we know it.

“3D printing technology uses additive design to create models out of plastic, metal, ceramic, and even living cells. BTech Innovation spent several months analyzing CT scans with computer assisted design software to create a model of the turtle’s beak. Then, they used a 3D printer to build a replacement jaw in medical-grade titanium.”

Everyone knew it was coming — the time when injured animals and humans would routinely receive 3D printed body parts. Because the regulatory barriers are so much lower for animals, it is also not cost prohibitive for them to receive body part replacements practically on demand. In this way, many pets and wild animals will likely be the first to get just about any body part they need.

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