9 Off-Grid ‘Pioneer Tools’ You’ll Need If The Grid Fails http://bit.ly/1VBa2CO
If you could only have nine off-grid tools, what would you choose? When I say tools for off-the-grid work, I want to be clear. I mean truly off the grid. This isn’t about power tools that depend on electricity or gas. This is about a pure, pioneer environment where muscle and leverage are the only power sources.
In other words, these are tools your great-grandparents, and their ancestors, would have used, and these are tools you read about in the history books. You probably have your own ideas, but these are the nine tools I’d pick for off-the-grid survival.
1. Ax
The long-handled ax has always been a popular and important tool thanks to its flat head on one side for pounding and the sharp blade on the other for chopping. Axes of this design are commonly referred to as a “Michigan Axe” because they were widely used during the lumber days in Michigan in the late 1800s. It’s used for not only felling trees, but splitting logs and rails. And the flat end can be used as a wedge when pounded with a large wooden mallet, or to pound wooden stakes or wooden wedges.
2. Backsaw
Sure, an ax can take down a tree, split logs and split rails, but using one to cut a log into any amount of firewood is backbreaking work. A backsaw is the easiest, non-powered way to make this happen.
More http://bit.ly/1VBa2CO

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