‘Bees Can Help Boost Food Security of Two Billion Small Farmers at No Cost’ http://bit.ly/1QBa9QO
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on 19 February 2016 highlighted the publication of a new study that quantifies, for the first time, how much crop yields depend on the work of bees that unknowingly fertilize plants as they move from flower to flower.
A new study suggest that poorly performing farms could significantly increase their crop yields by attracting more pollinators to their land.
In doing so, the agency says bees may have a key role to play in improving the production of some two billion smallholder farmers worldwide and ensuring the food security and nutrition of the world’s growing population.
“What do cucumbers, mustard, almonds and alfalfa have in common?” asked FAO in a press release. “On the surface, very little; but there is one thing they share: they all owe their existence to the service of bees.”
More http://bit.ly/1QBa9QO

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