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Saturday, February 27, 2016
Enigmatic Engraved Pendant from Stone Age Site is the Oldest in Britain http://bit.ly/24uwIL4
Archaeologists found the pendant at the Mesolithic site of Star Carr in 2015. The team of researchers wrote in an article in Internet Archaeology:
“Engraved motifs on Mesolithic pendants are extremely rare, with the exception of amber pendants from southern Scandinavia. The artwork on the pendant is the earliest known Mesolithic art in Britain; the 'barbed line' motif is comparable to styles on the Continent, particularly in Denmark. When it was first uncovered the lines were barely visible but using a range of digital imaging techniques it has been possible to examine them in detail and determine the style of engraving as well as the order in which the lines might have been made.”
More http://bit.ly/24uwIL4

Tomyris, The Female Warrior and Ruler Who May Have Killed Cyrus the Great http://bit.ly/1QmwqfK
Tomyris was an ancient ruler of the Massagetae, a Scythian pastoral-nomadic confederation in Central Asia. She became famous for her bravery and especially for the greatest battle she ever fought – the day when Cyrus the Great died.
Tomyris’ kingdom was located in the area to the east of the Caspian Sea, in parts of modern-day Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, western Uzbekistan, and southern Kazakhstan. Most people remember Tomyris for her role in the defense against an attack by Cyrus the Great of the Achamenind Empire (600/ 576 – 530 BC). In 530 BC, she may have killed one of the most famous Persians in history.
Herodotus wrote that there were a few different stories about the death of Cyrus, and includes Tomyris as one of the possible causes for his demise.
More http://bit.ly/1QmwqfK

We Explored Pluto, Now Let’s Explore The Nearest Star! http://bit.ly/21pctiS
On July 14th, 2015, the New Horizons space probe made history when it became the first spacecraft to conduct a flyby of the dwarf planet of Pluto. Since that time, it has been making its way through theKuiper Belt, on its way to joining Voyager 1 and 2 in interstellar space.
With this milestone reached, many are wondering where we should send our spacecraft next.Naturally, there are those who recommend we set our sights on our nearest star – particularly proponents of interstellar travel and exoplanet hunters.
In addition to being Earth’s immediate neighbor, there is the possibility of one or more exoplanets in this system. Confirming the existence of exoplanets would be one of the main reasons to go. But more than that, it would be a major accomplishment!
Located 4.3 light years from Earth, the Alpha Centauri system consists of three stars – Alpha Centauri A, B, and C (aka. Proxima Centauri). For many years now, exoplanet hunters have been divided on the issue of whether or not it has a system of planets. This began in February of 2008, when a team of European observers working at the European Southern Observatory‘s La Silla facility in Chile began searching for a possible exoplanet in orbit of Alpha Centauri B – which was designated Alpha Centauri Bb.
More http://bit.ly/21pctiS

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey endorsed Donald J. Trump on Friday, a major turn in a wild race and one that gives the New York businessman a major boost as he heads into the pivotal Super Tuesday contests. Mr. Christie was a candidate himself until he came in sixth place in New Hampshire's primary.
More http://bit.ly/1TEnJBW

Marco Rubio had ties to a Miami cocaine cartel, so what?http://bit.ly/1KRgJAu
Marco Rubio loves to talk about his bartender father and being raised by a family with modest means and a can-do attitude. But, as The Washington Post reports, at least one close family member earned millions of dollars slinging cocaine.
As the story goes, one that the popular GOP presidential candidate [who cast the deciding vote to fast-track Obama's corporate takeover aka TPP] isn't keen to talk about, Rubio's family once had strong ties to a cocaine cartel out of Miami. His sister married the No. 2 guy in charge, Orlando Cicilia. Cicilia earned a lengthy prison sentence for his part in one of the biggest drug cases of Miami's baroque cocaine-cowboys era, reads the paper.
More http://bit.ly/1KRgJAu

Danger! At Least 14 German Beer Brands Contain Cancer-Linked Weedkiller http://bit.ly/1LLpO8I
14 popular German beers were found to contain glyphosate, it can be assumed some less widespread beer brands might also contain harmful levels of the chemical agent, according to the Munich Environmental Institute.
Amounts of herbicide allegedly capable of causing cancer have been found in at least 14 popular German beer brands, a report by the Munich Environmental Institute found.The German institution selected 14 brands of beer popular in the country, including Paulaner, Hasseroeder, Erdinger and Franziskaner, to search for traces of glyphosate, a chemical agent used to kill weeds.
“Tests of all the beer brands were successful… the highest [glyphosate] level was 29.74 micrograms per liter that is almost 300 times above the drinking water limit. Even the smallest measured level was still five times above the limit for drinking water,” the report published on Thursday reads.
It was noted in the report that because these 14 popular beers were found to contain glyphosate, it can be assumed some less widespread beer brands might also contain harmful levels of the chemical agent.
More http://bit.ly/1LLpO8I

10 Real Victims Of The CIA’s MKULTRA Program http://bit.ly/1LkzOea
Project MKULTRA is one of the most famous undertakings relating to the CIA’s efforts toward mass mind control. There were many different tests conducted as a part of the project, including some conducted on volunteers, inmates, and unsuspecting targets.
The project involved several different drugs—most famously LSD—and the participants involved had very different reactions to the testing, with some being inspired by it and others becoming terrified of just the notion of any possible future exposure. Some fatalities even stemmed from Project MKULTRA, and what follows are 10 of the most interesting figures to have involvement with this CIA-sponsored testing.
10 Ken Kesey
Kesey, the author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and a source of inspiration in the counterculture movement, was first exposed to LSD and other psychedelic drugs as a part of the MKULTRA project while still a graduate student at Stanford University. He came to be involved in the study almost by accident, as a neighbor of Kesey’s—a psychologist—signed up for the project but had to back out at the last minute.
An outstanding athlete and a straitlaced individual up to that point, Kesey had never done any sort of drug and had never even tasted alcohol. At the time of the experiments, Kesey was in training for the 1960 Olympics, as he had earned a place on the wrestling team as an alternate.
More http://bit.ly/1LkzOea

The Most Popular Food in America is a Clone http://bit.ly/1Lky194
To find out what the most commonly purchased food was in the US, we asked America’s largest retailer — Walmart — what its top-selling item was in 2015.
The answer? Bananas.
Dorn Wenninger, vice president of produce and floral for Walmart US, told Tech Insider that the company sold over 1.5 billion pounds of bananas last year.
“Imagine all the logistics and processes,” he said, “to move 1.5 billion pounds of a perishable item from seven countries in Latin America to over 4,000 stores in the US.”
From the time the bananas are packed into containers on farms in Mexico, Central America, and the top of South America, to the time they reach Walmart stores, they are kept at 56 degrees Fahrenheit. This process takes anywhere from two to 3.5 weeks, Wenninger said.
The sale of organic bananas has more than tripled over the last year, he said. Sales of organics overall, he said, are growing over twice as fast as sales of non-organic produce.
More http://bit.ly/1Lky194

The Exceptional Underwater City of Cuba: A New Theory on its Origins Part I http://bit.ly/1LLofaL
In his "Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization," Graham Hancock examines the numerous structures that have been discovered underwater around the world. Most of the sites that Hancock discusses lie less than 120 meters (395 feet) below sea level, which comes as no surprise since the sea level never fell below this mark during the time Homo sapiens walked the earth. Submerged over 700 meters (2300 feet) underwater, the Cuban city discovered by Paulina Zelitsky and Paul Weinzweig during a joint Cuban-Canadian expedition is the singular exception.
Overturning Old Theories
How can the existence of this underwater city at this great depth be reconciled with the well-established consensus that the sea level never dropped so low? In Hancock’s own words: “What one would not expect to find in water anywhere near as deep as 700 meters would be a sunken city – unless it had been submerged by some colossal tectonic event rather than by rising sea levels.”
More http://bit.ly/1LLofaL

Bay of Bengal ‘Three Times More Deadly’ than Mediterranean for m Migrants and Refugees http://bit.ly/1Qa3Ksw
Refugees and migrants crossing the seas of Southeast Asia died at a rate three times higher than those in the Mediterranean last year, a new United Nations report has found, highlighting the urgency of greater life-saving cooperation among the affected States.
The report, Mixed Maritime Movements in South-East Asia, from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), states that those movements had been “three times more deadly” than in the Mediterranean last year, due largely to mistreatment by smugglers and disease on the boats.
Refugees and migrants often employ the same routes, modes of transport, and networks, and their movements are commonly referred to as “mixed movements.”
More http://bit.ly/1Qa3Ksw

Photo Feature: The Turkmen Loophole http://bit.ly/1Qa3kT4
While tens of thousands of Syrians are stranded on the border with Turkey after fleeing Aleppo and are unable to cross, a smaller group in the western province of Latakia has found a way to escape the war.
More than 7,000 people have crossed into the Turkish town of Yayladagi since the start of the month, many – but not all – ethnic Turkmen.
But the conflict is far from over for the new residents of this small town, which has more than doubled its pre-war population of 6,800. Bomb blasts echo in the streets, and refugees are filling up the white tents on the edge of the town. A statue of Kemal Ataturk adorns a roundabout and shops now advertise in both Turkish and Arabic.
More http://bit.ly/1Qa3kT4

Cilantro and Chlorella Can Remove 80% of Heavy Metals From The Body Within 42 Days http://bit.ly/1QCQGZI
There are many heavy metals that people are exposed to regularly without realizing it. Mercury, cadmium, and aluminum, among others, are able to imbed themselves into our central nervous systems and bones, bio-accumulating for years until we start to suffer acute health problems from heavy metal poisoning. Fortunately, there is a simple one-two-combination that helps to chelate heavy metals so that they are no longer circulating in the body cilantro and chlorella.
Chelating agents are those that bind to heavy metal toxin ions, and then are removed from the body through our regular excretory channels. Pharmaceuticals like 2,3-Dimercaprol have long been the mainstay of chelation therapy for lead or arsenic poisoning, but they have serious side effects. The simple, and proper dose of cilantro (Chinese parsley) and chlorella; however is a powerful chelator for numerous heavy metals.
More http://bit.ly/1QCQGZI

Despite drought, Californians fall short in water cutbacks http://bit.ly/1LLoPVZ
Californians are starting to fall behind the state's mandatory 25-percent water conservation target even though the state remains in drought, state officials said Thursday.
As of January, water users in California's cities and towns have managed to use 24.8 percent less water since mandatory conservation began last year, the State Water Resources Control Board said.
That just misses the level Gov. Jerry Brown had ordered in what is now the state's fifth year of drought.
“Our numbers have slipped rather than plummeted,” water board chairwoman Felicia Marcus said. “Let's just keep it up” on conservation.
The latest numbers mark the first time since June that urban Californians have missed the overall mandatory water-conservation target.
More http://bit.ly/1LLoPVZ
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If You Have One of These Symptoms You Are Being Poisoned Without Even Being Aware of it http://bit.ly/1pewZS2
More http://bit.ly/1pewZS2

Activist Stabbed To Death & Burned After Facebook Posts Predicting That Cops Would Kill Him http://bit.ly/21ytvYC
An activist named John Lang was found stabbed to death inside of his home this week after predicting that he would be killed by police in his area. His house was also set on fire in the struggle that killed him.
According to ABC30, his neighbors noticed smoke coming from his house around 3:00 in the afternoon on Wednesday. When fire crews arrived on the scene, it took them a few minutes to get in the house because it was well secured with a gate. When they made their way inside they discovered Lang’s body lifeless and bleeding from several stab wounds.
Lt. Joe Gomez with the Fresno Police Department said that it was “Unknown if the stab wounds caused the death or the smoke inhalation, it’s too early to tell.”
There is surprisingly little evidence and few eyewitnesses, considering the fact that this was a murder and arson that occurred in broad daylight.
Lang was well-liked by most of his neighbors, many of whom were shocked by the incident and in disbelief that the man had any enemies.
However, According to predictions made by Lang himself just days before, this attack was far from random.
In the days before his death, Lang was insistent that his life was in danger, and that if he died, the Fresno Police Department would be responsible.
On January 14, Lang made a disturbing Facebook post where he eerily predicted his own death.
The next day, on the 16th, Lang noticed a suspicious van near his house and recorded a man hanging around outside of the vehicle, looking very tense and speaking to one of the occupants inside.
Lang posted the following video along with this message: “If I turn up missing or dead tomorrow remember this Van. I think I seen a couple of guys sneak out the side door and into the building when it was parked in the carport this afternoon. I’ve been causing the City of Fresno a lot of problems recently which I now regret..Sign on the Door said Guarantee Carpet Cleaning Fresno.”
More http://bit.ly/21ytvYC

Friday, February 26, 2016
Davos Elite Reveal Orwellian Plan to Decode Your Brain and Read Your Mind – Melissa Dykes http://bit.ly/1QGjgjk
Still think we aren’t living in the Matrix? In his fiction-turned-fact novel 1984, George Orwell wrote “Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull.”
Apparently even that won’t hold for long.
What you are about to watch isn’t science fiction but science fact and it’s coming in the next decade or two as part of the Internet of Things smart surveillance grid they want everyone swept up into.
This technology is about to openly bring us an era where government authorities can read people’s minds without their permission and use it against them including in court, for pre-crime purposes, via literal thought police who police thought crime via neurotech, and the labeling people including children as potential criminals based solely on their brainwaves…
And all of this was discussed casually at Davos this year like it’ll be a glorious brave new world instead of the Orwellian Nightmare 2.0 we all know is coming under the technocrats in charge.
More http://bit.ly/1QGjgjk
Poisonous Menu For The Planet: Dr. Broer Breaks Down The Various Depopulation Methods - The History of The Secret Depopulation Movement http://bit.ly/1QCPBBl

Can The Move Towards a Cashless Society Lead to Alternative Currencies? Marc Faber’s Insight http://bit.ly/1Q9YmWn
Are we entering a new era where cash is outlawed and a cashless society is becoming an Orwellian reality? The European Central Bank President Mario Draghi recently said that the bank is “considering action” to drop 500 euro notes because of its links to criminal activities.
The former treasury secretary and director of the National Economic Council in the White House, Lawrence H. Summers is also calling for the elimination of the 500 euro notes and the $100 bill in a Washington Post article where he referred to Harvard’s‘Mossavar Rahmani Center for Business and Government ’which he is the current director, published a paper by senior fellow Peter Sands and current students for making “a compelling case for stopping the issuance of high denomination notes like the 500 euro note and $100 bill or even withdrawing them from circulation.”
Summers even went as far to mentions a “global agreement” to eventually “to stop issuing notes worth more than say $50 or $100.” The main reason Summers is calling for the elimination of the $100 bill is to deter crime or even terrorism. Summers says that the 500 euro note is called the“Bin Laden” within “certain circles”:
More http://bit.ly/1Q9YmWn

More Carnage In Oil Before We Bottom; Impacts, Opportunities – Roger Conrad http://bit.ly/1pesAP7
More http://bit.ly/1pesAP7

Death Rates Of Vegetarians Vs Meat Eaters http://bit.ly/1S7AtBe
The reason why science is continually “proving” the obvious is that our lives as 21st century, high bred mutants leave us so alienated from the reality of Earth and our fellow earthlings that we actually do not know how to live.
Looking around our planet and viewing the incredible variation of species that make up Nature, one obvious fact that stands out quite clearly but is most likely overlooked is this:
No creatures anywhere are ever confused about what to eat or when to sleep or, in short do anything….unless, of course we put them in an artificial environment where there are no natural cues, such as a zoo or a living room.
More http://bit.ly/1S7AtBe

FDA to Begin Testing for Glyphosate Residue http://bit.ly/1pehLg7
Recently, the Food & Drug Administration developed streamlined methods to test for glyphosate. The agency is now preparing plans for fiscal 2016 to measure glyphosate in soybeans, corn, milk and eggs, among other potential foods, according to FDA spokesperson Jason Strachman Miller.
“The FDA has not routinely looked for glyphosate in its pesticide chemical residue monitoring regulatory program in the past for several reasons, including that available methods for detecting glyphosate were selective residue methods that would have been very cost and labor intensive to implement in FDA field labs,” Strachman Miller said.
Also, glyphosate levels, if present in genetically engineered corn and soybeans, are likely to be reduced by the processing done to those foods, he added.
More http://bit.ly/1pehLg7
UN rights chief warns police agreement by five European countries will worsen refugee crisis http://bit.ly/1oEaqpq
The top United Nations human rights official expressed serious concern today over security measures adopted last week by the police chiefs of five European countries, which he warned are already negatively impacting the human rights of refugees and migrants in southern and central Europe and compounding the “already exceptionally difficult situation” in Greece.
Urging the five countries that adopted the measures – Austria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia – to “carefully recalibrate” the approach of their police forces, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein emphasized that the measures are exacerbating “the chaos and misery all down the line,” and especially in Greece, which is already overwhelmed.
“Alarmingly, given the primary duty of the police to protect people, the agreement contains no measures aiming at protecting these extremely vulnerable women, children and men on the move – there is, for example, not even a mention of special measures to protect people who might be particularly at risk of human rights violations, including children, persons with disabilities, LGBT persons, older people, victims of torture, or victims of gender-based violence or trafficking,” Mr. Zeid said in a statement.
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NY Times Reporter Found Murdered After Exposing MKUltra? http://bit.ly/1Q6Y9D9
A former New York Times reporter has been found murdered in the Dominican Republic following her exposure of MKUltra.
Sarah Kershaw was found asphyxiated due to strangulation on Monday at her apartment in Sosua.
Project MKUltra, often referred to as the CIA’s mind control program, was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the the CIA. Ms Kershaw published an article with the New York Times exploring this subject in 2008 with her article Sharing their Demons on the Web, writing:
“For people who regularly visit and write on message boards on the mind-control sites, the idea that others would describe the sites as promoting delusional and psychotic thinking is simply evidence of a cover-up of the truth.”
More http://bit.ly/1Q6Y9D9

People So Disconnected from Reality, They Don’t Realize that Viral Animal Video They Shared Is Animal Abuse http://bit.ly/1oM5KOX
Photos and pictures of animals doing “cute” things make up a large portion of the mindless crap people share with each other on the Internet. What’s sad about that besides the fact that it is a colossal waste of time is that people don’t seem to realize that many of the videos they are sharing are actually not “cute” but showing animals in distressed situations or forcibly posed in such a way to look “cute” or “funny” that is akin to abuse.
Take this crab for example:
Someone jammed a knife into this crab’s claw, one he likely cannot let go of because it’s jammed in there, and nicknamed him “gangster crab” then stuck a camera in his face and provoked him so he’d flail his claw back and forth with the knife in it. The video has over 2 million views.
While the majority of comments on the video are about stupid pop culture references, the crab they’re busy laughing it up at is probably thinking he’s about to die.
Here’s another example where experts agree a photographer put a frog on a beetle and called him a cowboy:
More with video http://bit.ly/1oM5KOX

Watch Rich Hillary Supporters Hiss at Black Lives Matter Activist Who Paid $500 to Ask Hillary a Question, +Video http://bit.ly/1oM50JK
Hillary is so two-faced and such a liar, it’s ridiculous. Everyone except her few supporters know it. Not that the Black Lives Matter movement isn’t ultimately infiltrated and funded at the top by the likes of people like George Soros, but what happens in this video is quite strange and telling to say the least.
A Black Lives Matter activist named Ashley Williams paid the $500 necessary to attend a private Hillary speaking engagement in a some rich person’s house in South Carolina. Williams moved to stand by Hillary, then unfurled a sign she made quoting Hillary from a decade ago, “We have to bring them to heel” hashtag “Which Hillary”.
The confrontation quickly got tense.
We want you to apologize for mass incarceration,” Williams says to Clinton.
More with video http://bit.ly/1oM50JK

A Tale of Grapes, Politics, Cults, and Aliens: Why People Cling to False Beliefs http://bit.ly/1oE8FZd
The Fox and the Grapes fable by Aesop (circa 620-564 BC) illustrates a powerful example of the theory of cognitive dissonance. The Fox desires a bunch of grapes hanging high from its vine in a tree. After numerous attempts to get the grapes he “decides” that he doesn’t want the grapes. They are probably sour. The Fox rationalizes his failure.
Cognitive dissonance refers to the mental stress or discomfort experienced when we hold two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, perform an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas or values, or are confronted by new information that conflicts with our existing beliefs, ideas, or values.
Notice the pattern in the tale of the Fox: he desires something, finds it unattainable, and reduces his cognitive dissonance (conflict) by criticizing it.
More http://bit.ly/1oE8FZd

Norwegian Government Is Preparing for the Migrant Induced Collapse of Sweden http://bit.ly/1Q6TWPZ
Long before refugees from Syria started trickling into Europe, and long before Germany went on a moral crusade to let every third worlder into their country, there was Sweden. Most European countries had started shifting into multi-cultural societies decades ago, but Sweden was arguable the first country to really open the floodgates. While there are other European nations with a higher percentage of foreign-born citizens and residents, Sweden was the first to let in so many people from countries with radically different cultures than their own.
As a result, the social fabric of their society is beginning to tear. The police are overwhelmed, their welfare system is overburdened, and their borders are crumbling. All in all, their society is on the verge of collapse. Depending on your perspective of Europe’s migrant crisis, you may find that hard to believe. But if you don’t believe me, then take a look at what the Norwegian government has been saying.
Norway is ready to abandon the Geneva Convention if Sweden collapses. The border will be closed by force, and Swedish refugees will be rejected without the possibility to seek asylum. “We are prepared for the worst,” says Prime Minister Erna Solberg.
More http://bit.ly/1Q6TWPZ

School Districts Are Spending Millions on White Privilege and Anti-Capitalist Training http://bit.ly/1Q6ToJP
If you’ve ever wondered what your tax dollars really go towards when your state funds public education, then look no further. There’s a good chance that the schools in your community are spending big bucks on the Pacific Educational Group. This little known San Francisco based consulting firm specializes in improving education opportunities for minority students and “is committed to achieving racial equity in education” according their mission statement.
In reality, the organization peddles white privilege based ideologies to public school districts across America. They believe that our schools unfairly favor white students by promoting a white culture, and their business model involves training teachers to cater to minorities. They believe that this white curriculum promotes “individualism” and “hard work” at the expense of minority students who supposedly have a culture of collectivism.
More http://bit.ly/1Q6ToJP

Atlanta Business Owner Gives All of His Employees a Gun http://bit.ly/1pbjSBl
After hearing about rising crime rates in the Atlanta metropolitan area, Lance Toland decided he needed to do something to protect his aircraft insurance business, and his employees. While most businesses owners would consider hiring private security, Toland went a different route. He decided to arm all of his employees instead.
Having a concealed carry license is now a requirement to be employed at every location of Lance Toland and Associates. Due to Georgia’s status as a “shall issue” state, it’s very easy for law-abiding citizens to conceal carry, and within a month every employee had a permit. “A lot of my clients are high fiving when they hear this.” he said in a recent interview “They think it’s the best things for a company to mandate gun ownership and be responsible.”
More http://bit.ly/1pbjSBl

Mogees Let You You Turn (Almost) Anything Into A Musical Instument http://bit.ly/1oE6AfV
Jamming-out with two pencils and a table, rocking with a tennis racket, or slapping a rooster’s wattle was once looked down upon… and may still be. Thankfully (or not), that’s no longer the case.
Inventor Bruno Zamborlin has developed Mogees, a sensor that gives the musically inclined (or anyone else really) the ability to turn almost anything into a musical instrument. That is of course, as long as you can attach the device to it.
Housed inside the Mogees is a 40mm vibration sensor and circuit board that translates those vibrations into a myriad of different sounds depending on the user’s preferences.
More http://bit.ly/1oE6AfV

This is What’s Happening with VR and How it Will Change 3D Design http://bit.ly/1pbiApX
From Nintendo’s Virtual Boy in the distant past to the Oculus Rift now, VR has been sputtering into our future. This year however, is truly the year for VR (if there ever was one) with even more companies getting in on the advancements being made in replacing or augmenting our reality.
Leading the way is Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Apple. Facebook was first to commit big money to VR, acquiring Oculus in July 2014 for $2 Billion. Google unveiled Cardboard a month earlier at Google I/O, but it wouldn’t be until later that year that people would realize the possibilities with a build-it-yourself headset.
More http://bit.ly/1pbiApX

Galaxy Trailed By Stunning Plume Of Gas http://bit.ly/1Q6QFQG
Astronomers have discovered a spectacular tail of gas more than 300,000 light years across coming from a nearby galaxy.
The plume is made up of hydrogen gas–the material new stars are made of–and is five times longer than the galaxy itself.
The foreground galaxy is NGC 4569 of the Virgo cluster. The red filaments to the right of the galaxy show the hydrogen gas that has been removed. The tail represents about 95 per cent of the gas reservoir the galaxy needs to feed the formation of new stars.
More http://bit.ly/1Q6QFQG

The Prolonged Death of Light from Type Ia Supernovae http://bit.ly/1oE5QHI
New supernova observations reveal extended brightness, could help researchers better understand invaluable cosmology tool.
Three years after its explosion, a type Ia supernova continues to shine brighter than expected, new research finds. The observations, made with the Hubble Space Telescope and published today in The Astrophysical Journal, suggest that the powerful explosions produce an abundance of a heavy form of cobalt that gives the heat from nuclear decay an extra energy boost.
The work could help researchers pinpoint the parents of type Ia supernovae–a type of stellar explosion that is frequently used to measure distances to faraway galaxies–and reveal the mechanics behind these explosions.AMNH researchers make a discovery about the chemical composition of Type Ia supernovae, which may aid in the understanding of how these stars explode—and become the “standard candles” by which we measure the distance of far-off galaxies.
More http://bit.ly/1oE5QHI

Surprising Variability in Shape of Van Allen Belts; Findings Could Impact How We Protect Technology in Space
Surprising Variability in Shape of Van Allen Belts; Findings Could Impact How We Protect Technology in Space http://bit.ly/1oE5twV
The shape of the two electron swarms 600 miles to more than 25,000 miles from the Earth’s surface, known as the Van Allen Belts, could be quite different than has been believed for decades, according to a new study of data from NASA’s Van Allen Probes that was released Friday in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
“The shape of the belts is actually quite different depending on what type of electron you’re looking at,” said Geoff Reeves of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Intelligence and Space Research Division and lead author on the study. “Electrons at different energy levels are distributed differently in these regions.”
More http://bit.ly/1oE5twV

Spectacular New Views of the Milky Way Released Following Galactic Survey +Video http://bit.ly/24srNKB
The APEX telescope in Chile has mapped the full area of the Galactic Plane visible from the southern hemisphere at submillimetre wavelengths — between infrared light and radio waves.
This is the sharpest such map yet made, and complements those from recent space-based surveys. The pioneering 12-metre APEX telescope allows astronomers to study the cold Universe: gas and dust only a few tens of degrees above absolute zero.
This video comparison shows the central regions of the Milky Way observed in four different wavelength ranges.
The first view shows compact sources of submillimetre radiation detected by APEX as part of the ATLASGAL survey, combined with complementary data from ESA’s Planck satellite, to capture more extended features.
The second view shows the same region as seen in shorter, infrared, wavelengths by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope as part of the GLIMPSE survey.
More with video http://bit.ly/24srNKB

LIGO's Twin Black Holes Might Have Been Born Inside a Single Star
LIGO's Twin Black Holes Might Have Been Born Inside a Single Star http://bit.ly/1QJqL98
On September 14, 2015, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detected gravitational waves from the merger of two black holes 29 and 36 times the mass of the Sun. Such an event is expected to be dark, but the Fermi Space Telescope detected a gamma-ray burst just a fraction of a second after LIGO’s signal. New research suggests that the two black holes might have resided inside a single, massive star whose death generated the gamma-ray burst.
“It’s the cosmic equivalent of a pregnant woman carrying twins inside her belly,” says Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).
Normally, when a massive star reaches the end of its life, its core collapses into a single black hole. But if the star was spinning very rapidly, its core might stretch into a dumbbell shape and fragment into two clumps, each forming its own black hole.
More http://bit.ly/1QJqL98

Johnson & Johnson Slapped with $72 Million in Damages for Covering up Baby Powder’s Link to Cancer http://bit.ly/1pbkeI0
The company had reportedly known on record since the 1980s that some of its flagship products cause cancer, but they failed to warn the public.
In a landmark case Hogans et al v. Johnson & Johnson, a Missouri jury has ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $72 million in damages to the family of a woman who died of ovarian cancer found to be caused by using the company’s baby powder and Shower to Shower products for decades.
The family of Jacqueline Fox has been awarded $10 million in actual damages and $62 million in punitive damages, finding that Johnson & Johnson committed negligence, fraud, and conspiracy.
More http://bit.ly/1pbkeI0

Zika Virus Linked to Stillbirth, Other Symptoms in Brazil http://bit.ly/24sqTxI
A pregnant Brazilian woman infected with the Zika virus had a stillborn baby in January who had signs of severe tissue swelling as well as central nervous system defects that caused the cerebral hemispheres of the brain to be absent. It is the first report to indicate a possible association of congenital Zika virus and damage to tissues outside the central nervous system.
Researchers led by Albert Ko, M.D. of the Yale School of Public Health and Dr. Antônio Raimundo de Almeida at the Hospital Geral Roberto Santos in Salvador, Brazil, describe the case in the current issue of the journal PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Ko and colleagues said the case provides evidence that, in addition to microcephaly, (a condition marked by an abnormally small head in newborns and widely linked to the Zika outbreak in Brazil), congenital Zika infection may also be linked to hydrops fetalis (abnormal accumulation of fluid in fetal compartments), hydranencephaly (almost complete loss of brain tissue) and fetal demise (stillbirth).
More http://bit.ly/24sqTxI

Thursday, February 25, 2016
Excavations Reveal that the Oldest Roman Tavern Nourished and Served Ancient Life http://bit.ly/1RrFkev
A recent archaeological find in Lattes, France may provide insight into how the Romans dined 2,100 years ago. Archaeologists have discovered a structure that they believe to be a tavern, in an area that had been conquered by the Romans during that time. Lattes lies on the southern-border of France, on the Mediterranean Sea. The discovery of the tavern is an interesting one, in that this is the earliest Roman restaurant discovered to date.
Initially believed to be a bakery, USA Today reports that archaeologists now think that what they have uncovered is an ancient tavern. The archaeological findings include three indoor gristmills, and three ovens, which would have been used to bake flatbread. These findings go beyond what an individual home would require, and suggest that the site once hosted a tavern where the Romans could dine out.
More http://bit.ly/1RrFkev

TAU Discovers Extensive Fabric Collection Dating Back to Kings David and Solomon http://bit.ly/24sqjjI
Textiles found at Timna Valley archaeological dig by Tel Aviv University researchers provide a colorful picture of a complex society during the time of Kings David and Solomon.
The ancient copper mines in Timna are located deep in Israel’s Arava Valley and are believed by some to be the site of King Solomon’s mines. The arid conditions of the mines have seen the remarkable preservation of 3,000-year-old organic materials, including seeds, leather and fabric, and other extremely rare artifacts that provide a unique window into the culture and practices of this period.
More http://bit.ly/24sqjjI

This One Plant Kills Cancer And Stops Diabetes And More
This One Plant Kills Cancer And Stops Diabetes And More http://bit.ly/1QGxYqv
Goya or Bitter melon (you may have also heard it referred to as Karela, Balsam Pear or Bitter Gourd), is commonly used for many different health benefits. The melon is a very helpful food, but it has an extremely bitter taste. On first look the Goya looks like a cucumber but with ugly gourd–like bumps all over it. It thrives in humid and hot climates, so they are commonly found in South America and Asian countries.
Dr. Frank Shallenberger M.D., who specializes in Anti Aging Treatment and Alternative Medicine at The Nevada Center of Alternative & Anti – Aging Medicine, has used the fruit to fight pancreatic cancer. Dr. Shallenberger has found bitter melon to be an effective tool in inhibiting cancer cell growth and advises his patients to go for natural substances that inhibit cancer cell growth.
During his latest research, Dr. Shallenberger found that when bitter melon juice is diluted to 5% in water, it proved to be very effective in fighting pancreatic cancer. Bitter melon was able to damage cancer cell lines by a rate of 90% and 98%. The University of Colorado tested bitter melon’s effect further and found a 64% reduction in the size of the pancreatic tumors.
More http://bit.ly/1QGxYqv

What Your Nails Tell You About Your Health http://bit.ly/1oWXRWA
Though your fingernails may seem like a very insignificant part of your body, they are actually indicative of your overall health in many different ways. Your fingernails reflect how well you eat , how much you sleep, and the state of your internal health. Learn more about the top eight ways that your nails can show you that something’s going wrong.
1: Heart Problems
Heart disease is a serious threat in the United States, and your fingernails can actually warn you about possible cardiovascular problems. Thin red or brown lines under your nails may be a sign of a heart valve infection, while congenital heart problems often cause your nails to club.
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Cannabis Oil Cures 8 Month Old Infant of Cancer, Dissolving Large Inoperable Tumor In 8 Months
Cannabis Oil Cures 8 Month Old Infant of Cancer, Dissolving Large Inoperable Tumor In 8 Months http://bit.ly/1RYuO0o
According to Dr. William Courtney, the western medical mind has a very hard if not impossible time trying to understand the diverse actions of Cannabidiol.
He explains how his youngest patient who is 8 months old, had a very massive centrally located inoperable brain tumor. The child’s father pushed for non-traditional treatment utilizing cannabis and put cannabinoid oil on the baby’s pacifier twice per day, gradually increasing the dose.
Within two months there was a dramatic reduction. Dr. Courtney pointed out that the success of the cannabis approach means that “this child…is not going to have the long-term side effects that would come from a very high dose of chemotherapy or radiation.
More with Video http://bit.ly/1RYuO0o

Displaying Sophistication with Masks and Curtsies: The Early History of Ballet http://bit.ly/1oUb1Uj
Ballet has been described as an art form created by the movement of the human body. It is a type of dance performed on a stage in front of an audience. The word ballet is derived from the French word ballette, which in turn was taken from the Italian word balletto, the diminutive of the word ballo, which means a dance.
Today this word conjures, in most people’s minds, the image of graceful female dancers leaping through the air in their tutus. The centuries-long history of ballet, however, is not pervaded by the modern stereotypical image of this art form. In fact, the ballets of the past, especially from this dance’s earlier period, looked quite different from the performances of today.
More http://bit.ly/1oUb1Uj